We just released learning Japanese version!

Thank you for waiting! We just released learning Japanese version! Please download from these links, and let us know how you like it!
Why did we make a Japanese version of “Lyriko: Learn Languages with Music?”
For Japanese learners, it’s a big challenge to remember all the characters and learn both polite and casual expressions. Lyriko makes learning Japanese fun and relaxing! Because the writing systems are such a challenge, we broke them down into two stages:
Beginner uses only Hiragana and Katakana, with English transcriptions. These are the phonetic writing systems, with fewer characters.
Advanced introduces Kanji, supported by Hiragana transcriptions. Kanji has many more characters, but keep at it!
This release includes 17 songs from beginner to advanced level, and each song can be played in easier and harder ways.
Have fun learning Japanese!